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WLCG AuthZ Call


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Meeting ID: 947 1885 7994
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Meeting ID: 947 1885 7994
Password: <see email>

Attendees: Hannah, Andrea, Andrei, Andrei, DaveD, DaveK, Enrico, Federica, Irwin, Jeny, Jim, Dave, Brian, DaveC, Mine, Maarten, Linda, Marcelo, ,Paul, Mischa, Tom


  • VOMS Migration
    • No concept of username in VOMS but there is in IAM. We need a different approach
      • Could concat several attributes
      • Could have local accounts too
      • Is username same as sub in the token? No, they are decoupled
      • User accounts are tied to an HR record
      • IAM relies on SSO identifier (cern_upn e.g. hshort), the PersonId is used to check against the HR DB
      • Username is largely hidden to user since they log in through CERN SSO. They are private to an individual
      • Using surnames may prove complicated, need to handle name change plus they can be very long
      • Preference to use short, unique username (e.g. hshort or 127869234 personID)
      • Nicknames were the way that community could set up a username syntax, would be good for VOs to be allowed to choose
    • IAM requires unique email addresses, accounts are merged pending a manual review
      • Several people have several accounts with the same email
      • Better to NOT automatically merge in case of email recycling
    • For VOs that already have Nickname = UPN instead VOMS this can be an easy migration process
    • We do already have a few number of users that are already signed up - will that be an issue?
  • Capability Sets
    • Should add explicitly that server can reject the request
    • Return the union of all scopes


  • Andrea and Hannah to finalise which attributes should be used for migration between VOMS and IAM based on CERN SSO attribute (couple of weeks)
  • DaveD modify capability set to require Union rather than overwrite of scopes
  • DaveD to add that should return an error if someone doesn’t have the role assigned & Including the capability set in the result/group (not sure I captured this correctly)
  • Andrea complete text for vCHEP Submission
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 15:00 15:20
      VOMS Import Script 20m
      Speakers: Andrea Ceccanti (Unknown), Andrea Ceccanti (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))