Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

WLCG AuthZ Call


Proposed agenda: 

  • Announcements/Info
  • Discussions:
    • IAM support migration to CERN (IT-CDA)
  • Ongoing points:
    • Plan for VOMS Admin deprecation 
      Token Propagation Workflow Doc 

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Meeting ID: 947 1885 7994
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Attendees: Maarten, Hannah, Jeny, Jim, Andrea, Federica, Enrico, Tom, DavidC, Federica, Jeffrey, Julie, Mine, Marcelo, Petr, Paul,


  • X.509 -> Tokens transition
    • Small task force is drafting list of missing features and analysing timeframe 
    • Preparing for MB end of Feb
    • Will be shared with relevant mailing lists (us and others)
  • CHEP Submission
    • Thanks for edits :)
    • Due end of Feb
    • Brian has raised with Alessandra for DOMA TPC
    • Focus around progression towards token based workflows?
  • IAM support migration to CERN
    • EUGridPMA next week to discuss issuing 
    • CMS and ATLAS are deployed, a few small aspects remain
    • Scaling up requires a little more work
    • Size of openshift cluster must be increased
    • Need something on paper about reliance on CERN IT
      • CMS specific
      • Openshift, DB on Demand
    • Consider Knowledge Base article on IAM at CERN


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