5–11 Jun 2011
Perugia Congress Center GIO
Europe/Zurich timezone

Overview of ATLAS Supersymmetry searches with 2010 LHC data (15' + 5')

10 Jun 2011, 15:35
Main auditorium (Perugia Congress Center GIO)

Main auditorium

Perugia Congress Center GIO

Via R. D'andreotto, Perugia


Troels Petersen (Niels Bohr Institute Copenhagen)


ATLAS searches for supersymmetry in data from the 2010 run of the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35 pb-1, will be reviewed. These searches were performed in various channels containing different lepton and jet multiplicities in the final state (with and without missing transverse momentum). Searches for semi-stable particles will also be covered.

Presentation materials