5–11 Jun 2011
Perugia Congress Center GIO
Europe/Zurich timezone

ATLAS measurements of particle multiplicities and correlations (15'+5')

7 Jun 2011, 17:35
Main auditorium (Perugia Congress Center GIO)

Main auditorium

Perugia Congress Center GIO

Via R. D'andreotto, Perugia


James William Monk (DPA University College London)


Particle multiplicities and correlations are an important feature of physics at the LHC. They provide an insight into the environment in which all ATLAS physics measurements are performed. Measurements of charge and neutral particle multiplicities and of two-particle correlations with the ATLAS detector, made as a variety of centre-of-mass energies, are presented. These measurements are used to refine phenomenological models and probe production mechanisms.

Presentation materials