5–11 Jun 2011
Perugia Congress Center GIO
Europe/Zurich timezone

Quarkonium Production at ATLAS (15' + 5')

9 Jun 2011, 14:50
Main auditorium (Perugia Congress Center GIO)

Main auditorium

Perugia Congress Center GIO

Via R. D'andreotto, Perugia


Kendall Reeves (University of Texas at Dallas)


The production of quarkonium is an important testing ground for QCD calculations. The fraction of J/\psi mesons produced from B-hadron decays was measured by the ATLAS experiment and the prompt and non-prompt differential J/\psi production cross-sections determined. The cross-section values extracted from data are compared to predictions from next-to-leading order QCD calculations. Results for heavier quarkonia will also be shown.

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