15–16 Mar 2021
America/Sao_Paulo timezone
Open for registration. Please register!
  • Generating initial conditions
  • Running state-of-the-art hydrodynamics
  • Simulating the hadronic phase
  • Studying pre-equilibrium dynamics
  • And more! 



We prepared a repository with the codes that will be used during the workshop, which can be accessed on this page.

The repository access is moderated. You will need to create a GitLab account if you do not have one already and enter in contact with serenone@ifi.unicamp.br requesting access to it (please, inform the e-mail you used to register at GitLab). We strongly recommend you do this before the start of the conference.

The main page of the repository also contains instructions for the installation of all dependencies that will be necessary. We recommend that you read it and install them before the beginning of the conference.

Application for this event is currently open.