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Topic: WLCG DOMA TPC Meeting
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Meeting ID: 998 3605 7922
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Data Challenges
Data challenges are to progressively check we have all we need included the networking infrastructure and the monitoring for the future. It is quite a close activity to TPC because as lot of the pieces we need to run these challenges are being developed and deployed here.
We need to make sure the work on data challenges contributes to the build up of a permanent infrastructure whether it is the networking connections sites have to setup or the monitoring we need.
We need to decide the outcome for the first challenge and towards the next ones.
Mihai presented progress on the code development and asked if there is any interest in having the clients macaroons enabled. There is clearly interest particularly for low level debugging and Andrea points out that the clients have to be "token" enabled because macaroons are only one type of token.
Future Uniform tape access
Paul has started a google doc for the requirements. We agree the developers will do a first round of comments between themselves and then all stake holders, i.e. experiments and sites will comment further.
Experiment production
Token Authorization testbed
Andrea has been working on the ATLAS/CMS IAM instances and the OIDC amnesiac testbed which was down last week has been recovered
Saul Youssef to Everyone (3:11 pm)
BTW, where are the documents that Alessandra and Christoph are referring to?
Rizart Dona to Everyone (3:11 pm)
Me to Everyone (3:11 pm)
Linked from the minutes
Saul Youssef to Everyone (3:12 pm)
Diego Davila to Everyone (3:13 pm)
also this one: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lMG4dfiPo9bPf-tAO0bINDAuEUIloC45Y-vwu1E9_Xw/edit
Shawn P McKee to Everyone (3:31 pm)
A reminder that the next packet marking meeting is today March 3rd, 11-Noon Eastern time, 5-6 PM CERN time. (coming up in ~30 minutes)
The meeting URL is https://indico.cern.ch/event/1013141/ We would like to have some level of packet marking in place for the upcoming infrastructure challenges...
Paul Millar (DESY) to Everyone (3:31 pm)
Christophe Haen to Everyone (3:37 pm)
Xroot bug
Mihai Patrascoiu to Everyone (3:40 pm)
EOS LHCb (contains the fix) runs on EOS v4.8.40 + xrootd v4.12.8
Oliver Keeble to Everyone (3:41 pm)
Mihai Patrascoiu to Everyone (3:42 pm)
The fix is in xrootd-4.12.8
Riccardo Di Maria to Everyone (3:49 pm)
there is an its testing suite in escape that could be exploited, I think
wrt FTS
Mihai Patrascoiu to Everyone (3:50 pm)
Petr, could I ask why FTS DB access directly is needed?
I think it's been answered. Thanks :)
Petr Vokac to Everyone (3:52 pm)
Because I don't have FTS connected to the external monitoring.
Also I was doing different (error) aggregations than the one available in FTS Web interface
Paul Millar (DESY) to Everyone (3:55 pm)
Sorry, I have to leave for another meeting.
Mihai Patrascoiu to Everyone (3:55 pm)
The 403 Permission Denied was an EOS-specific error.
It doesn't affect other sites (and is not related to XRootd)
Diego Davila to Everyone (4:02 pm)
I have to leave to another meeting
Me to Everyone (4:02 pm)