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CTA deployment meeting

600/R-001 (CERN)



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Michael Davis (CERN)
    • 15:00 15:10
      Getting LHCb into Production 10m


      • HTTP TPC tests


      • 3 March: disable write access to CASTOR LHCb in preparation for migration. Check all queues are flushed and everything is written to tape. DONE
      • 8 March: disable CASTOR LHCb. Migrate to CTA.
      • 15 March: EOSCTA LHCb in production

      To Do

      • Publish CTA OTG
      • Prepare EOSCTA LHCb production instance

      Post Migration

      • DAQ integration and testing, including FTS Archive Monitoring
      • Heads-up for April: LHCb will stage small amounts of data for validation prior to reprocessing, then start pre-staging for their reprocessing campaign which will begin in May.
    • 15:10 15:20
      Getting PUBLIC into Production 10m

      Status Update

      • TOTEM: update from today's meeting
      • Spinner space, garbage collector tests
      • DUNE have started testing
      • AMS
      • NA61/SHINE
      • n_TOF (spinner space)
      • COMPASS (spinner space)
      • Repack of LEP-era data (this will be migrated after NA62, end March or early April)
      • KB article for users was published, KB0007167

      TO DO

      • Finish repack of public_user
      • Migrate data from legacy experiments
      • Schedule next SME migrations after NA62
      • FASER experiment, see RQF1756303 and #274


      • w/c 15 March: migrate NA62 to CTA
    • 15:20 15:30
      CTA Software 10m
      • #969 (xrdfs query prepare malformed JSON output) has been fixed

      Contribution from Cédric over next couple of months

      • Testing/deploying some features that are lagging because of schema v4 work
      • Documentation
      • Objectstore fixes if required
    • 15:30 15:35
      AOB 5m