Gallium Nitride (GaN) is a wide bandgap semiconductor, with a broad range of optical and electric applications. One field of particular interest is the area of power electronics, as group III nitrides are handled as an energy-efficient alternative for the currently used silicon power devices. Indeed, GaN technology has matured during the last two decades promising huge energy savings if widely...
One of the main power sources available in space for powering satellites and spacecrafts is the sun. Photovoltaic systems can be installed to convert the incident sunlight into usable electrical power, but they need to be able to operate in harsh space environments with strong radiation fields, extreme temperature changes and in vacuum. In this context, CIGS solar cells (based on thin films of...
Today, most ultrashort lasers are already capable of producing pulses in the order of dozens of femtoseconds using mode-locked Ti:Sapphire oscillators. This pulses have paved the way to the emergence of attosecond science by enabling the generation of XUV pulses of several tenths of attoseconds duration via high-harmonic generation. This ultrashort pulses are the tools of choice for exploring...
The new packaging solutions introduced by semiconductor device manufacturers require powerful, accurate and true 3D failure localization techniques to yield Non-Destructive Failure Analysis (FA) useful in this new era of increasingly complex microelectronic devices. Magnetic Current Imaging (MCI) is one such technique that relies on the reconstruction of the current path inside a...
Measurements of photon absorption as a solid turns into a plasma were taken and will be studied (Warm Dense Model). A femtosecond IR laser was used for isochoric heating. The changes in absorption are measured by an independent XUV probe pulse that allows for 50fs temporal resolution and a CCD is used for spatial resolution as well. A drop in opacity is found, at first glance consistent with...