Best Practice Workshop "Transfer Metrics"


When TT or KT officers have to report their activities and it comes to metrics, often only licences, revenues, patents, number of start-ups and other "hard" metrics are seen as important. These are certainly clear results but focusing exclusively on monetary metrics brings to the risks of losing sight of many of the factors that underlie these more tangible outcomes.

After all, these numbers are not plucked out of thin air, but are generated by a variety of collaborative platforms and initiatives - and the culture that surrounds them - that foster the commercialisation outcomes that administrators and stakeholders pay so much attention to.

How these programmes and cultural factors affect the bottom line is difficult to quantify, and their contributions are often lost in the shuffle.

How could one quantify these so essential activities of TTOs/KTOs? What are possible non-monetary indicators of transfer? 

In the workshop, members are asked to share their experiences. Which indicators do they need to provide? Monetary or also non-monetary? How can cultural factors and related activities be made measurable?

Liam Brennan, STFC, will give a short keynote on "Metrics" and report about experiences at STFC and in the UK. This will be followed by an active discussion among the members spread across Europe to exchange experiences and discuss which non-monetary metrics could be useful for measuring technology transfer.

Zoom Link: Link

Meeting ID: 635 3126 9406
Passcode: 668270

HEPTech Best Practice December