
Status of measurements of alternative gases for large experiments

22 Apr 2021, 11:30



Status of measurements of alternative gases for large experiments

  • Roberto Guida (CERN)

Status of measurements of alternative gases for large experiments

  • There are no conveners in this block

Presentation materials

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Giorgia Proto (INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
22/04/2021, 11:45
Gianluca Rigoletti (Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I (FR))
22/04/2021, 12:15
Gianluca Rigoletti (Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I (FR)), ECOGAS@GIF++ for RPC detector collaboration
22/04/2021, 12:30
22/04/2021, 12:45
Marcello Abbrescia (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT)), Marcello Abbrescia (Bari Physics Department and INFN), Maria Paola Panetta (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
22/04/2021, 14:30
Katerina Kuznetsova (NRC Kurchatov Institute PNPI (RU))
22/04/2021, 14:45
Sajan Easo (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
22/04/2021, 15:00
Ingo-Martin Deppner (Physikalisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg)
22/04/2021, 15:15
Luis Alberto Vieira Lopes (Universidade de Coimbra (PT)), Luis Lopes (Lip)
22/04/2021, 15:30
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