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CLICdp New-Software Project-Meeting



Andre Sailer (CERN)

Software Meeting Minutes

# 210413: Software Meeting


Connected: Valentin, Placido, Andre


## Proceedings/Talks/etc.

### EP RnD seminar, April ~~12~~ 14
* Title: something something software something
* 30 minutes including discussion
* Valentin to send some draft/outline around this week.

### AidaInnova software this afternoon

## MC Generators

## CLICDet Delphes Card

## Simulation

* Issue with simulation of muons with fixed pT?
    * observed different duplicate vs phi using different muon simulation runs
    * Maybe different input (not pt, but energy)?
    * Different Theta range, 0-90 degrees before, 0-180 degrees now

## Reconstruction

### Tracking

### Particle Flow

### Digitizer

### Event Display

### FlavourTagging

### Long-Lived Particle

### dE/dX

### LCGeo Test

## Infrastructure

## iLCDirac

* New version is there!

    * FCC Cern computing resources available
    * EOS to be integrated

* add key4hep-stack to config  (gaudiapp)
    * k4run executable (modifiable)
    * Test Clic Reco With GaudiWrapper inside iLCDirac
    * Test this before LCWS
    * Locally tested, need to see how to best do configuration
        * InputFiles
            * --EventDataSvc
            * --LcioInput
        * RandomSeed
            * Not fully implemented in vanilla Gaudi
        * OutputFile
            * PodioOutput
        * CompactFile
            * -->GeoSvc (to come to k4Sim)

## Key4hep

* k4fwcore:
    * Document KeepDropSwitch

* working on k4SimDelphes integration with Gaudi
    * Looking good, now adding tests

* Testing tutorials
    * Converting markdown to ipython notebook with `notedown`

### Gaudi

* Writing guide for upgrading to new gaudi cmake
    * updated documentation for gaudi, only needs deployment now

    * Test Deployment:
        * This will become
* Documentation for functional:

### CI

* CVMFS deploy from gitlab:
    * --> Need to re-open the ticket (Valentin)
    * gitlab-runner  was missing permissions
        * New ticket:
        * IT will fix the gitlab integration on another repo and then replay the steps on sw.hsf{-nightlies}.org

* iLCSoft deployment:

* cern gitlab shared soon include


* debug build done nightly as well

### Environment Script

### View

### key4hep-spack/spack

### podio

### EDM4hep

* Test writing sample event data:
    * Incomplete, e.g., TrackCollection not written
    * Would also be useful for testing EDM4hep <-> LCIO Conversion

### k4FWCore

* added cmake function to setup ctest environment for dependent packages
    *  maybe can move to Gaudi, maybe there is something equivalent already in Gaudi

### k4MarlinWrapper

* Ready for merge and later cleanup
* Need an updated file for testing
* EventSample for Performance testing:
    * CLIC REC files

* Timing of the converter
    * Auditor service?

### spack


Opened PRs for a bunch of improvements:
* [ ] fixes to fetching fastjet
* [ ] special "commit" version for nightlies

* Debug build is working now
    * `/cvmfs/`

## FCCee Detector Model

* some problem in the Geant4 Simulation components, loading the wrong plugin
* Fixed:
    * Cmake issue from the changes (add_library instead of add_gaudi_plugin)


## SCT Integration

### Using the lcgeo/ddsim/Marlin to run simulation and reconstruction

* Provide set up and instructions for running
    * Do this now, use key4hep from cvmfs
    * run ddsim only with TPC (other detectors probably need geometry from aurora, which we cannot access)
        * DDSim on cluster doesn't work because DD4hep too old and python mismatch
    * run Marlin with reconstruction from
    * run wrapped reconstruction with LCIO until conversion from SimTrackerHit is available as well
* Integrating TPCSD sensitive into Aurora not so straight forward
    * They directly use G4VSensitiveDetector instead of dd4hep::Geant4Action types.
    * Also event data model differences need to be understood

* WIP: Add TPC xml as "Aurora" Package
* Part of simulation, but now need to create the hits.


## Snowmass

## AOB

### Next Meeting

April 20, 2021, 13:00



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    • 13:00 14:00
      Round the table 1h