Full Field Imaging at the Advanced Photon Source

9 Jun 2011, 14:00
Huron (Sheraton Hotel)


Sheraton Hotel

Oral Presentation Instrumentation for Medical, Biological and Materials Research Instr. for Medical, Biological and Materials Res.


Wah-Keat Lee (APS/Argonne National Laboratory)


The Advanced Photon Source (APS), located within Argonne National Laboratory, is the brightest source of hard-x-rays in the Western Hemisphere. This has enabled full-field x-ray imaging with the highest spatial and temporal resolutions, using either absorption or phase-contrast. This talk will provide an overview of the present status of full field x-ray imaging. Examples from biology and material science will be presented. Challenges for the future will be discussed.

Primary author

Wah-Keat Lee (APS/Argonne National Laboratory)

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