NuMI Primary Beam Monitoring

10 Jun 2011, 16:40
Huron (Sheraton Hotel)


Sheraton Hotel

Oral Presentation Machine Detector Interface and Beam Instrumentation Machine Det. Interface and Beam Instr.


Douglas Jensen (Fermilab)


The Fermilab Main Injector has been delivering a 120 GeV proton beam to the MI neutrino experiments for some years. The beam intensity, position and size have been monitored using toroids, beam position monitors, and SEMs. The beam position has been controlled using the BPM system. The SEM closest to the target has been exposed to more thatn 1E21 protons. Ti and C wire SEMs are being tested. The performance of these devices, including the precison of beam position measurements comparing the SEM and BPM systems will be discussed.

Primary author

Douglas Jensen (Fermilab)


Presentation materials