Skipper CCD for DAMIC

Not scheduled
Sheraton Hotel (Chicago)

Sheraton Hotel


301 East Water Street Chicago, IL 60611
Poster Presentation Dark Matter Detectors


Jacob Johansen (University of Chicago)


We present results for the Skipper CCD in preparation for its implementation in the DAMIC (Dark Matter In Ccds) project. The skipper reduces readout noise by averaging the value of each pixel over multiple samplings. Electrons are brought to a floating well at readout rather than being connected to ground, after which they may be returned to the summing well for repeated measurements. Preliminary results show readout noise of less than .5 e- for 100 samplings per pixel. The skipper has further application in any setting requiring extremely low readout noise without stringent readout speed requirements.

Primary author

Jacob Johansen (University of Chicago)


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