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Zoom Link: https://cern.zoom.us/j/61227754677?pwd=anJab2x5aFVKNFZUaU5iQi9tV1VpUT09
Bonjour à tous !
A group of us have been discussing the possibility of launching a climbing club at CERN, and properly affiliating ourselves with the CERN Staff Association. We plan to form the CEC, or Club d’Escalade du CERN
A valiant attempt was made in previous years by some of the esteemed members of the Facebook group. A lot of work was done and some real headway was made, only to be eventually sunk by the torpedo of bureaucracy. In short: climbing is considered a dangerous activity and taking responsibility for climbing trips involves a lot of liability issues, and creates a lot of complicated paperwork.
This time, we have a slightly different proposal. The main objective of the new Club would be act as a focal point for climbers at CERN, to share information about climbing in the region, and to organise social events that promote climbing as a way of integrating in the wider CERN community. The club aims to bring the CERN climbing community together, but not to supervise outings or offer training directly.
In summary, we hope to:
The proposed annual membership fee would be 20 CHF.
To formally launch the club, we will hold a Constitutive General Assembly at 20h00 by video on Thursday the 20th of May, 2021.
The purpose of this meeting will be to approve the club documents and to elect the first committee, who will be tasked with establishing the club and presiding for the first year of operations.
There are three draft documents attached below: a Proposal Letter to the CERN Staff Association, a list of Club Statutes and a Membership Form.
You are welcome to review these documents and bring any comments to the Constitutive General Assembly for discussion.
All committee positions are up for election, open for nomination by anyone at CERN. The currently proposed committee would be:
If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for any of the above positions, please send an email to hannes.gamper@cern.ch by Monday the 17th of May, 2021.
Finally, thank you to all those involved in managing the Facebook page (https://web.facebook.com/groups/127625271123738), the info-climbing@cern.ch e-group and the previous attempt at forming a club. You'll notice we borrowed heavily from the work you had already done!
We look forward to seeing you all on the 20th :).
Kind regards,
Auriane, Benedikt, Francesca, Hannes, Miguel and Peter