vCHEP Rehersals 2021

Tuesday, 11 May 2021 - 10:00

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
11 May 2021
10:00 Building HEP Software with Spack: Experiences from Pilot Builds for Key4hep and Outlook for LCG Releases - Valentin Volkl (CERN)   ()
11:00 Exploring Object Stores for High-Energy Physics Data Storage - Javier Lopez Gomez (CERN)   ()
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
14:00 Fine-grained data caching approaches to speedup a distributed RDataFrame analysis - Vincenzo Eduardo Padulano (Valencia Polytechnic University (ES))   ()
14:30 C++ Code Generation for Fast Inference of Deep Learning Models in ROOT/TMVA - Sitong An (CERN, Carnegie Mellon University (US))   ()
15:00 A Portable Implementation of RANLUX++ - Jonas Hahnfeld (CERN)   ()