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EP Seminar

Latest results of the NA64 experiment searching for hidden sectors at the CERN SPS

by Paolo Crivelli (ETH Zurich (CH))


NA64 is a fixed target experiment using the unique CERN SPS secondary beamlines to search for hidden sectors.  The experiment looks for new particles such as dark photons, axion-like particles, new light X or Z’ bosons by colliding 100-150 GeV energy electron beams onto an active target.

I will present the latest NA64 results emphasizing the sensitivity of our experiment to search for possible new physics contributions in the electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments.

I will conclude with the future prospects of the experiment which will resume data taking this Summer after the 2 years CERN long shutdown.

Organised by

M. Pepe-Altarelli, P. Silva

EP Seminar - NA64
Zoom Meeting ID
Claudia Dupraz
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