29 August 2021 to 3 September 2021
Università di Milano Bicocca
Europe/Zurich timezone

The 2021 edition of the VBSCan training school is organised by the VBSCan COST Action, with the support of the INFN. It will take place in the Milano - Bicocca University (August 30th - September 2nd) and in the Milano University (September 3rd).

The program will cover the frontier of current research in the electroweak symmetry breaking domain: polarised vector boson scattering, the connection between effective field theory and complete models, and the use of anomaly detection in the search for deviations from the standard model.

For each of the main subjects morning lectures will be followed by afternoon hands-on training, and the event will close with seminars dedicated to modern parton distribution function fits, the novel technologies of quantum computing and Julia programming, and to an introduction on EU competitive funding for young researchers.

The school will have a hybrid format. Unfortunately in-person participation will be limited to 30 students due to Covid regulations, but all lectures will be streamed to allow for a wider participation. The 30 students will be selected on the basis of their CV, that they are asked to upload upon registration.

The school will start with an opening Aperitivo at FancyToast (google maps link).

Please remember that a COVID-19 valid Green Pass will be necessary to enter the school room.

Confirmed lecturers:

Diogo Buarque Franzosi
Stefano Carrazza
Chiara Casella
Guillelmo Ceballos
Stefano Forte
Simone Gennai
Luca Merlo
Giovanni Pelliccioli
Oliver Schulz

Organising Committee:

Ilaria Brivio
Raquel Gomez
Pietro Govoni
Marco Zaro

Università di Milano Bicocca
Registration for this event is currently open.