Julien Lesgourgues
10/01/2011, 09:00
- universe expansion in Newtonian gravity and GR
- Friedmann equation
- Hot Big Bang model
- distances and horizons
- need for inflation
Martin Kunz
10/01/2011, 10:00
* equilibrium distributions: number densities, energy densities, pressure
* decoupling, relic abundance, hot and cold relics
* neutrino decoupling and the neutrino background
* photon decoupling, recombination and the CMB
* BBN and light element abundance
Martin Kunz
10/01/2011, 11:30
* equilibrium distributions: number densities, energy densities, pressure
* decoupling, relic abundance, hot and cold relics
* neutrino decoupling and the neutrino background
* photon decoupling, recombination and the CMB
* BBN and light element abundance
Luigi Di Lella
(INFN Sezione di Pisa (INFN))
10/01/2011, 15:00
1. Theory of neutrino oscillations in vacuum;
2. Solar neutrino experiments;
3. Theory of neutrino oscillations in matter;
4. The KAMLAND reactor experiment;
5. Atmospheric neutrino experiments;
6. The CHOOZ reactor experiment;
7. Long baseline oscillation searches at accelerators;
8. Future projects: measurement of the theta_13 mixing angle.
Luigi Di Lella
(INFN Sezione di Pisa (INFN))
10/01/2011, 17:30
1. Theory of neutrino oscillations in vacuum;
2. Solar neutrino experiments;
3. Theory of neutrino oscillations in matter;
4. The KAMLAND reactor experiment;
5. Atmospheric neutrino experiments;
6. The CHOOZ reactor experiment;
7. Long baseline oscillation searches at accelerators;
8. Future projects: measurement of the theta_13 mixing angle.
Julien Lesgourgues
11/01/2011, 09:00
- overview of gauge ambiguity
- overview of adiabatic initial conditions
- overview of perturbation evolution in different regimes
- matter power spectrum and its dependence on cosmological parameters
- approaches for computing non-linear corrections
- large scale structure observations: galaxy surveys, cosmic shear
surveys, Lyman-alpha forests
Julien Lesgourgues
11/01/2011, 10:00
- Sachs-Wolfe effect in instantaneous decoupling limit
- shape of CMB temperature spectrum in Fourier and harmonic space
- corrections from Silk damping and Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect
- CMB temperature spectrum dependence on cosmological parameters
- overview of CMB observations from COBE to Planck
Martin Kunz
11/01/2011, 11:30
* parameter estimation: likelihood, prior, posterior
* Gaussian examples, Fisher matrix
* MCMC methods
* model selection
Andreas Hoecker
11/01/2011, 15:00
I. Setting the Stage … Motivation for a Huge Machine
II. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
III. The ATLAS and CMS Experiments (and LHCb)
IV. Proton–Proton Collisions and Standard Model Physics
V. Higgs and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
VI. LHC Searches for Physics Beyond the Standard Model
VII. Outlook
Andreas Hoecker
11/01/2011, 17:30
I. Setting the Stage … Motivation for a Huge Machine
II. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
III. The ATLAS and CMS Experiments (and LHCb)
IV. Proton–Proton Collisions and Standard Model Physics
V. Higgs and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
VI. LHC Searches for Physics Beyond the Standard Model
VII. Outlook
Julien Lesgourgues
12/01/2011, 08:30
- generation of primordial perturbations
- slow-roll predictions for scalar and tensor perturbations
- classification of slow-roll inflationary models
- current constraints
- prospects (Planck and beyond)
Julien Lesgourgues
12/01/2011, 09:30
- cosmic neutrino background (calculation of neutrino temperature left to
- free-streaming effect
- limits on neutrino density and masses
- limits on warm dark matter
Andrii Neronov
12/01/2011, 18:00
a) Observations, from GeV to 1e20 eV;
b) Problem of the origin of CRs;
c) Propagation of CRs in the Galaxy and in intergalactic medium;
Andrii Neronov
13/01/2011, 09:00
a) Relation between gamma-ray astronomy and cosmic ray physics;
b) Astronomical observations from radio to gamma-ray band;
c) Relevant particle acceleration and interaction mechanisms;
d) Very high-energy neutrinos from astronomical sources?
Andrii Neronov
13/01/2011, 11:30
a) AGN phenomenology
b) Blazars and radio galaxies
c) AGN jets from Scharzschild radius to Mpc distances
d) AGN as possible ultra-high-energy cosmic ray sources
Andrii Neronov
14/01/2011, 09:00
a) Gravitational collapse of the cores of massive stars;
b) Supernova phenomenon, neutrino emission, gamma-ray bursts;
c) Stellar mass black holes and neutron stars;
d) Supernova remnants and the origin of Galactic cosmic rays