Slide review for TIPP2021


International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation for Particle Physics, May 24-28, Virtual conference, Vancouver

    • 1
      Performance Studies of the ATLASpix HV-MAPS Prototype for Different Substrate Resistivities

      Poster in A0 size, to be presented on 25/5/2021
      PLease note that Jens will still do the conversion of the threshold from voltage to charge on Monday. He will also still add "CLICdp work-in-progress" on all plots.

      Speaker: Jens Kroeger (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
    • 2
      Test-beam and simulation studies for the CLICTD technology demonstrator

      Presentation 15+3 min, on 27/5/2021

      Speaker: Katharina Dort (CERN, Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen (DE))
    • 3
      Pixel detector hybridization and integration with Anisotropic Conductive Films

      Presentation 15+3 min, on Thursday 27/5/2021

      Speaker: Mateus Vicente Barreto Pinto (CERN)