GSoC 2021 at CERN-HSF: Welcome meeting for students

Andrei Gheata (CERN), Antoine Perus (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)), Xavier Valls Pla

CERN-HSF administrators give guidelines for the upcoming coding period. Q&A session.

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Andrei Gheata
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    • 17:00 17:10
      Student welcome 10m
    • 17:10 17:30
      Community bonding and coding periods 20m

      CERN-HSF (High-Energy Physics Software Foundation) is the umbrella organization for high-energy physics-related projects in GSoC. The HEP Software Foundation ( facilitates the coordination of common international efforts in high-energy physics software and computing.

      GSoC at CERN-HSF this year:

      • 27 students
      • 60 registered mentors
      • 19 organizations

      Community bonding period (until June 7)

      • Mentors get in touch with students
      • Students should get involved in the community - can already participate in meetings
      • Contribute with patches, bug fixes (especially if they are already familiar with the organization)
      • Read the documentation, configuring their development environment, anything that prepares them for the coding period
      • Establish communication channels with your mentors: e-mail, chat... Communication at least once per week is recommended
      • Discuss the work plan, perhaps make some adjustments, needs the agreement of both the student and their mentors.

      The coding period this year is split into two parts, (Jun7-Jul16) and (Jul17-Aug23) each ending with a week for evaluations. The detailed timeline is available here

      • Students are expected to start executing their project proposals. At this point, students should begin regular check-ins and regular patch submissions.

      • Work can be distributed within the 2.5 months coding period to cover the mandatory 175 project hours, as agreed between mentors and students.

      • Make sure you don't miss the evaluation deadline, should not take more than 10 min

      • Mentors evaluate students

      • Students evaluate mentors

      IMPORTANT: if the student does not submit the evaluation, their project will be canceled (this happened last year). Necessary to do it!

      • When a student passes an evaluation, they are paid

      • Code should be placed in a public repository for your mentors to review it

      • At the end of your studentship, you will have to provide a link to your code and its documentation

      Responsibilities as a student:

      • Students should follow the plan of work agreed with their mentors, unless there is some technical issue that justifies changes (also agreed upon)

      • They should deliver code

      • Absences should be agreed with mentors - "disappearing" from the program will likely be a reason for failing

      • If a student fails one evaluation or quit, they are out of the program

      Mediation of the admins

      • Administrators of GSoC make sure that mentors and students are aware of the rules and milestones of the program.

      • Administrators are also mediators: they can help with conflicts between students and mentors

      • Contact admins for any issue that might arise between you and your mentors


      • We have created a chat channel on Gitter for our 2021 promotion, you were all invited

      • You are encouraged to write a blog on your GSoC experience, instructions available here

    • 17:30 18:15
      Q&A session 45m

      Students ask questions to the HSF admins