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Rucio Development Meeting

Martin Barisits (CERN)
Rucio Development Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Martin Barisits
Alternative hosts
Mario Lassnig, Cedric Serfon, Dimitrios Christidis
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
    • 1
      • July release schedule
        • 1.26.0rc1 today
        • 1.26.0 (final) Jul-12 - Jul-16
        • 1.26.1 Jul-26
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      Community News & DevOps roundtable
      • ATLAS
        • SRM+HTTPS endpoints added to topology
          • BNL Lake
          • Manchester
          • INFN-T1
        • Correlation of submission rate and FTS Backup job?
          • Noticable every week ~4am CEST
      • CMS
      • Fermilab
        • Ruben Observatory
          • Discussion about scalability (20B files a problem on full experiment timescale?)
            • No, that's an order-of-magnitude increase from ATLAS/CMS from now, should be fine
            • Smart partitioning, and evolution of DB hardware/software
      • Belle II
      • MultiVO/RAL
        • ORNL
          • Using Rucio for their experiments
      • SKAO
        • Dedicated time for Rucio now :-)
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      Hot topics
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      Developers roundtable

      Rucio 1.26 "Donkey League of La Mancha" priority followup

      • In Progress
      • Todo
      • Done
        • Versioned history tables #2063 [Martin]
        • Discuss and plan mysql5 deprecation [Mario]
        • Remove webpy endpoints and dependency #4044 [Ben]
        • Migrate documentation to new docusaurus [Martin, Ben, Daniel]
        • Rename reaper2 to reaper #4462 [Martin]
        • Test Import and Export of CRIC JSON [Rizart]
        • Python 3.8 and 3.9 testing #4453 [Ben]
        • Re-Factor Transfer workflow [Radu]
        • Hermes2 planning
        • and requirements overhaul #4456 [Ben]
      • Delayed
        • QoS #3419 [Mario, Martin, Rizart]
        • Auditor overhaul #3437 [Dimitrios, Eric]
        • rucio.cfg vs Config table #2630 [Mario]
        • Logging Review #4220 [All Component leads]
        • Test and switch to new rule algorithm #4215 [Martin]
        • Switch to policy-packages as default [James, Martin]
        • Cleanup tickets #4463 [*]
        • Test SSO Login [Rizart]
          • Studied API and look into connection to CERN SSO
          • Checking with CRIC since they already successfully did this
          • Application registered on CERN-SSO

      Developer roundtable

      • Mayank
        • Working on rule issues
        • Integration testing
          • Timeout issue is fixed, for now; Should it come up again there is some things we can try
          • SSH, REVA containers to be added as well by GSOC students
      • Some documentation updates
      • Transfertool simplification
        • Need some merging of PRs to continue
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