Theoretical Concepts in Particle Physics - Q&A

Andrew Cohen (Unknown)

This Q&A session follows up on 2019 Andy Cohen's Theoretical Concepts in Particle Physics lectures available here.

Please note that registration for the Q&A session is optional, but highly encouraged (deadline: 24h prior to the Q&A). We also encourage you to submit question(s) to the speaker via the same registration form. However, live questions will also be allowed at the end of the session. 

Theoretical Concepts in Particle Physics Q&A
Zoom Meeting ID
Zoom room for the 2021 Summer Student Lecture Programme
Summer Student Lectures 2021
Alternative hosts
Enea Di Dio, Stavie Kotsi, Valerie Domcke, Anastasiia Khrapchun, Maria Girone, Bernhard Holzer, Ana Dordevic, Kristina Gunne, Viktor Khristenko, Richard Hawkings, Francesco Cerutti, Andrea Wulzer, Thierry Gys, Marko Simonovic
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
    • 2:00 PM 2:20 PM
      Theoretical Concepts of Particle Physics 20m
      Speaker: Andrew Cohen (Unknown)