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23 June 2021
US/Eastern timezone


WBS 2.3.2 Tier2 Centers

23 Jun 2021, 13:40


WBS 2.3.2 Tier2 Centers

  • Fred Luehring (Indiana University (US))


Updates on US Tier-2 centers

Presentation materials

Philippe Laurens (Michigan State University (US)), Dr Shawn Mc Kee (University of Michigan (US)), Prof. Wenjing Wu (University of Michigan)
23/06/2021, 13:40
David Jordan (University of Chicago (US)), Jess Haney (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US)), Judith Lorraine Stephen (University of Chicago (US))
23/06/2021, 13:45
Prof. Saul Youssef (Boston University (US))
23/06/2021, 13:50
Dr Horst Severini (University of Oklahoma (US)), Mark Sosebee (University of Texas at Arlington (US)), Patrick Mcguigan (University of Texas at Arlington (US))
23/06/2021, 13:55
Building timetable...