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A shell model approach to nuclear level densities

by Dr Sofia Karampagia (Grand Valley State University, NSCL/FRIB Michigan State University)


Nuclear level densities are important quantities that provide interesting information about the nuclear structure properties of the atomic nuclei. They are also key ingredients of calculations of reaction rates of interest for nuclear astrophysics and nuclear engineering applications. Despite their importance, experimental nuclear level densities are available only for a limited number of nuclei and for limited excitation energies and nuclear spins. Theoretical models are therefore necessary to predict the level densities of nuclei. We are going to present a methodology for calculating spin- and parity- dependent nuclear level densities using methods of statistical spectroscopy. The results of the statistical approach will be compared to other theoretical approaches and available data and past and current work with the method will be discussed.

[1] J. B. French and K. F. Ratcli , Spectral Distributions in Nuclei, Physics Review C, 3, 94 (1971).
[2] S S M Wong, Nuclear Statistical Spectroscopy, Oxford University Press, (1986).
[3] Roman Sen'kov and Vladimir Zelevinsky, Nuclear level density: Shell-model approach, Physics Review C, 93, 064304 (2016).
[4] S. Karampagia, and V. Zelevinsky, Nuclear shell model and level density, International Journal of Modern Physics E, 29, 2030005 (2020).


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