Differentiable Stacks, Poisson Geometry and related geometric structures

from Sunday, 6 February 2022 (19:00) to Friday, 11 February 2022 (12:10)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
7 Feb 2022
8 Feb 2022
9 Feb 2022
10 Feb 2022
11 Feb 2022
09:00 Minicourse on stacks in algebraic geometry vs differential geometry - session 1 - Pavel Safranov   ()
10:00 What is a Poisson structure on a différentiable stack? - Camille Laurent-Gengoux   ()
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
11:20 m-shifted symplectic Lie groupoids - Miquel Cueca   ()
09:00 Minicourse on stacks in algebraic geometry vs differential geometry - session 2 - Pavel Safranov   ()
10:00 Lie groupoids and differential equations - Francis Bischoff   ()
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
11:20 Deformations of symplectic foliations - Marco Zambon   ()
09:00 Weil algebras for double Lie algebroids - Eckhard Meinrenken   ()
10:00 Differentiation of Lie n-groupoids - Chenchang Zhu   ()
11:00 --- Discussion and free time ---
09:00 Poisson structures from corners of field theories - Alberto Cattaneo   ()
10:00 Quantization and integrability - Alejandro Cabrera   ()
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
11:20 The Fukaya category of the log symplectic sphere - Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat   ()
09:00 The linear model around Poisson submanifolds. - Ioan Marcut   ()
10:00 Compatibility of Nijenhuis operators with various structures - Thiago Drummond   ()
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
11:20 Symplectic gerbes or symplectic foliations - Marius Crainic   ()
12:20 --- Discussion and free time ---
17:00 Diffeological groupoids and their Lie algebroids - Christian Blohmann   ()
17:50 Lie groupoid cohomology relative to a Lie subgroupoid - Maria Amelia Salazar   ()
12:20 --- Discussion and free time ---
17:00 Dirac reduction and shifted symplectic geometry - Maxence Mayrand   ()
18:00 Classification of stacky vector bundles - Matias del Hoyo   ()
12:20 --- Discussion and free time ---
17:00 Some remarks on Lagrangian intersections in the algebraic case (Joint talk with Global Poisson Webminar) - Kai Behrend   ()