20–25 Feb 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone


Twisted Fock module of toroidal algebra via DAHA and vertex operators - Mikhail Bershtein

22 Feb 2022, 11:00


We construct the twisted Fock module of quantum toroidal gl_1 algebra with a slope n′/n using vertex operators of quantum affine gln. The proof is based on the q-wedge construction of an integrable level-one Uq(glˆn)-module and the representation theory of double affine Hecke algebra. The results are consistent with Gorsky-Neguţ conjecture (Kononov-Smirnov theorem) on stable envelopes for Hilbert schemes of points in the plane and can be viewed as a manifestation of (gl1,gln)-duality.
Based on joint work with R. Gonin

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