Dual-Readout Meeting


The IDEA Dual-Readout Calorimetry Meeting aims at collecting both hardware and software contributions on dual-readout calorimetry for the IDEA concept.

The meeting takes place every other Wednesday [ no more on Friday ].

Agendas available at [INDICO]

Mailing-list: CERN e-group idea-dualreadout@cern.ch 

Join our work chat on [MatterMost]

Dual-Readout Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Roberto Ferrari
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
    • 14:05 14:15
      Hardware and test beam
      Conveners: Roberto Ferrari (INFN Pavia (IT)), Romualdo Santoro (Insubria University and INFN - MI)
    • 14:20 15:00
      Software and performance
      Conveners: Iacopo Vivarelli (University of Sussex (GB)), Lorenzo Pezzotti (CERN)
      • 14:20
        DREMTubes: A Geant4 simulation of the 2021 beam tests 20m
        Speaker: Lorenzo Pezzotti (CERN)
      • 14:40
        Migration of dual-readout simulation to key4hep 20m
        Speaker: Sang Hyun Ko (Seoul National University (KR))