23–24 Sept 2021
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Manipulating hidden phases in Quantum Materials

23 Sept 2021, 12:10
Regular talk Quantum Materials and Quantum Technologies Quantum materials and quantum technogies


Moreira J. Agostinho (IFIMUP)


This talk aims at presenting the ongoing work in quantum materials, in progress at IFIMUP – LaPMET. After a short overview of the different ongoing research vectors, we will discuss two important examples involving static and dynamic excitations in order to stabilize hidden phases in non-equilibrium state, taking advantage of the strongly correlation between different excitations, the unconventional types of microscopic ordering and functional properties.
The recent E-FiELD project consists in strain-engineering strongly correlated perovskites to achieve an unprecedent electric-field control of electronic transport and optic properties, grounded on their cross-coupling between different degrees of freedom. We rely on recent theoretically developments that can enable the electric-field control of charge and orbital ordering, ferroelectricity, magnetism and metal-insulator phase transitions.
Finally, we will discuss how ultrafast coherent electromagnetic radiation at THz range can drive specific phonons in in complex oxide materials. In this regard, we will show how THz-driven polar phonons can be used to coherently manipulate macroscopic magnetic states, through a dynamical magnetoelectric coupling.


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