Quantum Materials and Quantum Technologies
- Pedro Ribeiro
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Since the first demonstration of the possibility of manipulating the magnetization using femtosecond (fs) laser pulses performed by Beaurepaire et al. in 1996 [1], time-resolved pump-probe measurements based on the magneto-optical Kerr or Faraday effects have provided an invaluable tool for the study of ultrafast magnetic dynamics in many relevant systems [2]. Although rapid advances in...
Colour centers in diamond are in the focus of interest as single
photon emitters for quantum (Q) technologies. Q metrology has
already been demonstrated using the nitrogen-vacancy NV− center,
which has the crystal symmetry C3. However, defects with
D3d mirror symmetry, such as the group IV centers [1] SiV,
GeV, SnV and PbV, but also MgV, show optical properties superior
During the last few years a new paradigm of 2D conductors based on molecular bilayers, rather than on single layers, has emerged in a series of charge transfer salts based on the organic donor CNB-EDT-TTF (5-cyanobenzene-ethylenedithio-tetrathiafulvalene)[1], with different small anions A (I3−, ClO4−, BF4−, ReO4−, PF6– and SbF6−, AsF6−, AuI2−, I2Br−, etc…), with general formula (CNB-EDT-TTF)4A...
It is shown that the presence of discrete symmetries in Floquet systems connected to metallic reservoirs imprints a definite parity on the charge and heat pumping as a function of the reservoir's chemical potential, $\mu$. In particular, when particle-hole symmetry (PHS) holds, the pumping of charge (heat) is an odd (even) function of $\mu$. Whereas, if only the product of PHS and parity...
We studied the localization properties of electrons in incommensurate twisted bilayer graphene, for twist angles encompassing the narrow-band regime, by numerically exact means.
Incommensurability effects were found to induce states with sub-ballistic properties in the narrow-band regime. These states are delocalized in momentum-space and follow non-Poissonian level statistics, in contrast...
Most of our knowledge on the quantum physics of electrons in crystalline matter is based on Bloch’s Theorem [1]. This important result states that electrons move like plane-waves across any spatially periodic potential and forms the basis of the electronic band theory of solids. Despite its success in explaining most properties observed in real-life conductors and semi- conductors, exceptional...
Abstract: The description of several light-matter interaction phenomena at the nanoscale requires a quantum description of the electromagnetic field. This task is complicated when the electromagnetic field does not exist in a vacuum, but permeates a dielectric medium. In this case, the photons of the electromagnetic field couple to the dielectric degrees of freedom, giving origin to hybrid...
In this poster we address the problem of detecting phase transitions without prior knowledge of a suitable order parameter. To this end, we propose a notion of metric based on the distance between single-particle covariance matrices. Unlike the well-known fidelity susceptibility, this quantity is accessible to commonly employed numerical techniques and can potentially serve as a versatile...
In this poster, we will explore the principles of quantum digital simulation of the time evolution of quantum systems.