Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Rucio Meeting

Martin Barisits (CERN)
Rucio Development Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Martin Barisits
Alternative hosts
Mario Lassnig, Cedric Serfon, Dimitrios Christidis
Useful links
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Zoom URL
    • 15:00 15:05
      News 5m
      • Rucio workshop commencing soon!
    • 15:05 15:15
      Community News & DevOps roundtable 10m
      • Fermilab
        • Working on upgrading DUNE database
        • Vera Rubin / Hermes discussion to automatically ingest data into Data Butler
          • RabbitMQ streams - have a look
        • Multi-VO discussion @ workshop
      • Belle II
      • LDMX
        • waiting for 1.26.5
      • ATLAS
        • Data Challenge - need to review
      • CMS
        • upgrade to 1.26 (Tuesday) - so far so good :-)
        • move to flux
        • connected all sources of popularity to trace generation
          • WMS (prod + analysis), physics apps, xrd read/write instrumentation
          • missing: running bare root at their local installations
      • STFC
        • development work on policy packages - generalising it w.r.t. multi-vo
        • customise module loading on client side
        • PR: elimination of config file
          • needs ticket (or update of existing ticket)
      • RAL
        • 1.26.2 running
        • setting up Web-UI
      • ESCAPE
        • waiting for 1.26.5 (incl. web-UI)
      • WLCG
        • yesterday mock data challenge for ATLAS (600k, 10TB)
        • today mock data challenge for CMS (100k, 1TB)
        • some issues with monitoring (e.g. avg throughput calculation)
        • check expected vs actual nr_bytes moved
    • 15:15 15:25
      Hot topics 10m
    • 15:25 15:55
      Developers roundtable 30m

      Rucio 1.27 "Batdonkey v. Superdonkey" priority followup

      • In Progress
        • Auditor overhaul #3437 [Dimitrios]
          • Will discuss with Dimitrios + CMS + Martin once they are back
        • rucio.cfg vs config table #2630 [Mario, David]
          • Needs review
        • Logging review #4220 [Martin, All comp leads]
          • switch from logging to logger - still a few daemons left
        • Disentangle fts3 specific code from conveyor and move to transfertool #857 [Radu]
          • Work almost done
          • One open PR for submitter-stager merge
          • One other PR already prepared, will submit once previous merged
          • Poller ongoing
          • Lots of changes incoming
        • helm-charts release management #4794 [Radu, Eric, Martin]
          • Eric submitted comments to the issue
          • Switch to the new naming scheme first, thus next release would be 1.26.0
          • Needs to be described on the documentation
          • Github action needs to be upgraded to look into separate release branches
            • Probably not a big change
        • Quality of Service #3419 [Matt]
          • Demonstrator for sotrage-issued QoS changes for BNL MAS
          • Matt should have dev changes done in the coming weeks
      • Todo
        • Get SSO Login working [Rizart]
          • no news
        • Down-scoped tokens for user interactions #4791 []
        • Optimize database interactions #4793 [Martin, Mario, Radu]
        • Prepare replacement of current policy import with policy packages #4798 [James, Martin]
          • cf. news
        • Rename Daemons to commonly understandable names #4795 [Martin]
        • Versioning for REST API #4796 [Ben, Martin]
        • Enabling tests for different policy package #3878 [Mayank]
      • Done
      • Delayed

      Developer roundtable

      • Docker auto builds [Mayank]
        • Will not use docker auto builds anymore, instead have GH actions build and push the containers
        • Workflow PR is in place
        • Secrets for Docker are in place
        • Right now builds daemons, clients, server; will add the other auto-builds as well
      • Enabling http on xrootd containers
        • Ilija might have managed to do that (plugins? config? scitokens?)
      • Changing CI oracle-express database from 11 to 18
        • PR done, merge asap
    • 15:55 16:00
      AOB 5m