WLCG AuthZ Call


Proposed agenda: 

  • Traceability and suspension
  • IAM status at CERN (Hannah & Andrea)
  • HTCondor Audience Values (Petr)
  • AOB: 
    • WoTBAn&Az 2021
    • Upcoming meetings
      • Scope and token exchange in IAM
      • Merging SciTokens and WLCG profiles
    • Status of security analysis of OAuth on the grid

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Participants: David C, Sven, Linda, Julie, Hannah, Mischa, Maarten, Jim, Jeny, Andrea, Petr, Tom, Romain, DaveD, Federica, Brian, Enrico, DaveK, Jeff, James


  • Overriding security concern is traceability i.e. tracking activity. Made harder with dynamic environment
  • User activity traceability
    • Split traceability (pilots hide information from sites, VO and site must collaborate)
    • Opaque tokens typically have randomly generated strings. We are really thinking about privacy preserving tokens with non-human-readable subjects 
  • Token issuer
    • Tokens contain history of issuers and accrue history (how can we get at this data)
  • Central suspension
    • We are missing site level blocking for tokens (Argus)
    • Possibly with short lived tokens we are less exposed to risk, if user is blocked centrally then fairly quickly cannot perform actions
    • VO level token blocking would be equivalent of suspending DN at the VO level (but works faster).
      • However, there is no cross-VO blocking (which sometimes worked for X.509)
    • Can we purge currently running jobs? This is a secondary activity.
    • Central suspension = user not able to get more access tokens 
    • Have not been incidents that required immediate purging of jobs. Such tools may need to be tweaked for token based infrastructure. 
    • Even big sites always had problems blocking users, was very over-engineered. Critical that suspension in new model is simple
      • Much stronger choke point at VO level
      • Suggestion that security team able to block at each VO's IAM instance
    • When user suspended, token issuer stops issuing new access tokens to them
    • Do we need JWT security event tokens?
      • If spanning multiple federations, how do we tell others that an identity should be suspended?
      • Might be a secondary question, focus on blocking for WLCG
    • What done in OSG?
      • Rely on VO's ability to handle users 
      • Eventually may block the full VO if response is inadequate 
    • Focus on good procedures rather than tooling
    • Relationships disappear with people, need to design procedures that allow new people to execute.
    • Jeny proposes separate security tabletop exercises (traceability & security incident) 
      • Call out to the different security teams to document current security capabilities to be able to adjust expectations with tokens (whilst workflows are being finalised)
      • Aim to have multiple tabletops (DavidC happy to organise)
    • An API for blocking may be useful, avoid having additional admins in IAM instances & going through training. Could just pick up a list of blocked user IDs from a trusted endpoint. 
    • Work ongoing for workflows (CEs and delegated transfers), sensible to have a tabletop when ready and only then write an API
    • Previously just put DN in a ban list and it happened (sometimes), do we introduce more conversations in the new model
      • VOs and sites always had the final word (could always be overwritten)
    • VOs running with few identities risk having the entire VO switched off
  • HTCondor Audience Values
    • There is an RFC https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8707#section-2
    • We provided guidance in the profile, maybe the profile is not clear enough (i.e. URI) https://zenodo.org/record/3460258#.YVXBji0RoUF
  • IAM deployments
    • Aiming for Monday but trying to do things properly, aiming for common configuration before deploying instances for ALICE and LHCb 

Don't forget the token transition workshop coming up: https://opensciencegrid.org/events/Token-Transition-Workshop/ .  It's a touch OSG-centric but of course, all you folks are welcome!

Also please don't forget WoTBAn&Az 2021 (https://opensciencegrid.org/events/2021-NSF-Cybersecurity-Summit-Workshop/) the following Monday. We'll be posting the schedule (including the WLCG AuthZ presentation) at https://sciauth.org/workshop/ soon.

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