CERN Bootcamp 2022
The CERN Bootcamp is a study concept that is co-created together with CERN, universities and companies for each implementation. The Bootcamp provides a unique international learning experience to the group of Master’s degree students with multidisciplinary educational background. The focus of the studies is to solve societal problems or challenges of the case organizations by applying service design methods to have a genuinely people centered, empathetic approach. Students of the CERN Bootcamp come from four different Finnish higher education institutions: Haaga-Helia, Laurea, Metropolia, and University of Helsinki/ Helsinki Institute of Physics.
Come and join us at IdeaSquare to meet the teams and especially on Friday you are warmly welcome to hear the final presentations, please check our schedule from the Timetable page.
For Bootcamp participants:
Directions on how to get to CERN you can find here:
When on CERN site, you can find the meeting venue IdeaSquare with this Google-map:
For registering your laptop/mobile phone for wifi access at CERN, please fill in a request here: - and use Laura Wirtavuori as the CERN contact person (on the last page of the request form).