On-site session for discussions and coding. The core team will be present and participants are welcome to join us at the venue.
About the speaker:
Matt Harvey is a Linux production engineer at Jump Trading, working on high performance computing in a global, data-intensive environment. His background is in research computing services, in both the public sector, at Imperial College London, and the pharmaceutical industry with Acellera.
About the speaker
Principal Program Manager at Microsoft, helping customers discover, test and improve HPC technologies on Azure.
Scientific computing uses a tremendous amount of energy, and given the location of most HPC centers, results in a similarly large amount of CO2 emissions. In the US, for example, in 2019, every MWh of generated power on average led to 0.7 metric tons of CO2 emissions. To address the huge carbon footprint of computing Lancium Compute is building, low carbon, renewable-energy-driven data centers...
The CVMFS deployment at CERN is constant evolution and adjustment to follow user's needs. This talk briefly describes some of the main points of the deployment of CVMFS at CERN, and the challenges that are involved.
Different groups, sites and experiments in the WLCG community have started using Kubernetes to manage services, implement novel analysis facilities or run batch services . Despite being in a native containerised environment, many of these use cases depend on CVMFS to stay compatible with the existing Grid model or to benefit from a well established software distribution model. Multiple of...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) utilizes CVMFS and CVMFS StashCache to distribute both its software stack and reference files for distributed computing workflows. DUNE utilizes CVMFS as it provides a read-only POSIX interface to StashCache, with the redundant features, e.g. built-in GeoIP locating, rate monitoring, and fallback in failures. During Dec-’21 to Jan-’22, it was...
About the speaker
Pursuing his passion to figure out the inner workings of complex systems, Ryan Taylor completed a M.Sc. in particle physics with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in 2009, and joined the University of Victoria Research Computing Services team shortly thereafter, where he is now a senior Advanced Research Computing (ARC) specialist. He has...
Scientific computing uses a tremendous amount of energy, and given the
location of most HPC centers, results in a similarly large amount of CO2
emissions. In the US, for example, in 2019, every MWh of generated power on
average led to 0.7 metric tons of CO2 emissions. To address the huge carbon
footprint of computing Lancium Compute is building, low carbon,
renewable-energy-driven data...