Terra Incognita Meetings

The public web site for Academic Training

by Franciska-Leonora Toeroek (VIA University College (DK)), Harris Tzovanakis (CERN), Maria Dimou (CERN)




The CERN Academic Training lectures contain brilliant material of leading-edge technology as well as great historical value. The lectures are open to all members of CERN personnel (in particular staff members and fellows, associates, students, users, project associates and apprentices) free of charge.

Each lecture is recorded and published on the web along with the visual support material. The complete catalogue of Academic Training is available in CDS and covers several decades, since 1968 without video and then since 1990, with video.

The "public web site for Academic Training" project  is about designing and building an attractive website to promote the CERN Academic Training.

This talk will explain the  architecture and software choices of the  site. The challenges related to the search function will be discussed. 

Input from CDA/IC, DR and WF sections' experts will be very valuable.

Organized by

Maria Dimou