Your privacy – where has it gone, and will it be back? (2/3)
In recent years, a lot has been said about privacy – the rights to it, related transgressions, reasons to worry. It seems like questions are multiplying at a high rate, but the answers are not. Should we be concerned, and if so, about what? Should I defend myself, can I defend myself? From whom? Are we risking fundamental freedoms when using FAANG products? Is privacy the same as anonymity? Is giving up privacy a necessary cost of technological progress? Do I have a choice? Are governments and corporations fighting each other over us or collaborating against us? Is “my phone” truly “mine”?
We propose to examine privacy with a dose of systematization and in three parts. In the first part, we’ll start weaving a story of how we got here. Starting from the baselines, we’ll journey through history, philosophy and world changes – from the concept of walls in a house to identity documents. In the second part, we’ll discuss our current state, where current worries stem from, current developments and options. We’ll look at what surveillance capitalism means for society (techies and non-techies alike), how our cloud, Android and i-devices grew, and will look at the fringes. In the third part, we’ll take a closer look at emerging major trends, future scenarios (dystopian and optimistic alike) and concrete possibilities for reaction or resistance. We’ll also touch on technical topics such as, for example, the war-like evolution of cryptography.
Short bio:
More recently, Andrzej founded a small technology and innovation consultancy as well as a fintech start-up. In the last few years, he worked in management consulting in finance and in innovation management. Andrzej’s current topics of interest include the future of identity, privacy, and money.
Maria Arsuaga Rios/ 97 participants