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GIF++ installation and schedule meeting

Remote only (CERN)

Remote only


Giuseppe Pezzullo (CERN), Martin R. Jaekel (CERN), Federico Ravotti (CERN)
GIF++ Weekly Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Martin R. Jaekel
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    • 09:00 09:05
      New Announcements 5m

      Annual meeting 2021 :  Tue 16.11

      Close to end of beam year but before the LHCC on 17-18.Nov (!)
      Doodle open at :

      AUL Test and electrical safety inspection:

      Few minor issues were found. To be closed when recommendations are implemented.

      GIF pyTIMBER  :   

      Operational (on & off)

      1.: We have a temporary solution for the data extraction tool (with the Pytimber version that can use NXCALS). This application currently is running on a virtual machine: If you experience any issues with it, please let us know.  This application is not exposed to the outside, so only accessible through the CERN GPN.

      2.: The original site ( ) stays deployed for the DIP/DIM live values, also accessible from outside through SSO.


      GIF Logbook & elog  :   

      Discussion ongoing. Not yet all needed features are implemented.
      Not for this beam time.

      Concerning the elog, during last week there was a problem with the server that got stuck after some patches were implemented. Since Monday afternoon the problem has been solved and it should work properly again. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you see any issue. 


      H4 Patrol rights  :   

      Short retraining will be needed. In case please contact Giuseppe or Martin some days in advance. 


    • 09:05 09:20
      Weekly planning 15m

      Please fill in the weekly reports before or during the meeting and update the team calendar !

      Weekly Reports   :
      Weekly Planning :

      SPS Status :
      SPS Planning :

    • 09:20 09:30
      Muon Beam Scheduling 2021 10m

      Preparation and Scheduling of Muon Beam Time 2021.

      Commissioning of the GIF beam dump:
      Originally proposed during the last days of beam setup, it needed to be shifted due to the problems with starting the NA Physics. We still need to find a time during the year for this.

      Current schedule for GIF & RD51:

      12-20 July (first 9 days)  - FINISHED
      8-14. September (1 week) - In preparation
      20.10 - 2.11 (2 weeks)
      10-14.11 (4 days)

      Latest schedule (2.2) attached. No major changes affecting GIF.
      15-17.09 - Technical Stop 1 (TS1)
      Beam pipe re-installation : 29.09

      Plan for next beam time :


    • 09:30 09:35
      New requests for tests at GIF 5m

      introduction, goal of the test, plan, needs

      - Scintillator Irradiation for CMS HGCAL Detector.

      BLM measuring campaign announced / ≈ 100 BLM, 6h approx. Week 45 (November 2nd till Friday 6th ). We will arrange everything in a way that the setup could be installed inside the bunker in the upstream area near ATL-sTGC setup    -> postponed until next year


      Bulgaria academy of science -> testing of new type of radiation monitor system

      A new setup of ALICE-RPC will come. More news in coming weeks.

      Lab on Fiber (LOF) dosimeter

      Gas recuperation system to be installed - Responsible : Roberto
      4 additional racks in Gas Service area. One containing flammable gas.
      FG detection system to be installed, power needs to be provided.
      (DELAYED by a few months. Will be first installed in CMS, and only later come to GIF)

    • 09:35 09:40
      Long Term Planning 5m

      Gas usage at GIF :  we need to compile a table of gas mixture / consumption

      Gas training courses : ATEX level 1  and F-Gas training courses.
      List of trained people to be collected.

    • 09:40 09:45
      Infrastructure & Upgrades to the Facility 5m

      Improvements needed or planned for the facility.

      Speakers: Giuseppe Pezzullo (CERN), Martin R. Jaekel (CERN)

      Monitoring of primary lines to be done. This year we will have the monitoring of the neutral gas (Ar/CO2/Helium/N2), instead next year it will be done also for the other (iC4H10, R134a, SF6, CF4 etc.). This signals will be then available in PVSS.

      On going discussion for main HFO gas supply line

      Removal of the fire detection interlock with the GIF++ control room. Transparent.
      Ticket not closed.

      EN-CV: New cooling line will be installed in the preparation area.  

      GIFCS-Pytimber app issue still under investigation

      GIFCS: new radiation monitor system (Chrome) added to our CS







    • 09:45 09:50
      General Items 5m
      • IMPACTs for 2021 5m

        Guidelines for filling in IMPACT requests

        List of active IMPACT declarations :

        General Guideline : One IMPACT per setup.

        • two chambers on individual supports -> 2 IMPACT declarations
        • multiple chambers swapped on same or similar support -> one IMPACT declaration
        • basically, if you need two locations, please make two IMPACT declaration (clone)

        Each Setup should have IMPACT label attached with number.
        Attached documents : CAD file  or  picture.
        Review working hours : if your declaration includes the bunker area, please state the number of hours you want to stay INSIDE the bunker only (for RP purposes).

      • CoVid-19 5m

        CoVid-19 Risk Assessment for the Facility :

        General guideline :

        • ONE setup to enter the bunker at any given time.
        • All presence at the GIF and access to the bunker needs to be announced via Teamup beforehand (!)
        • Traceability of people on site :  Logbook ! - List all the people you encountered
    • 09:55 10:10
      AOCB 15m


      Please include Francois Grenouilleau (164738) in all the EDH request related to transport.



      Please be careful with the gas CLASS when you do an order. (please check the document here attached)