REMOTE: An overview of the FLUKA particle transport code and its graphical user interface Flair (3/3)
An overview shall be presented of FLUKA, a general-purpose code for the Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport, and of its powerful graphical interface Flair. FLUKA can transport over 60 particle species, including photons, leptons, hadrons and ions, at energies up to the PeV domain and down to the keV domain, with the exception of neutrons, which can be transported down to the meV. Material geometries can be described via FLUKA's combinatorial geometry package, from the simplest geometries up to elaborate geometries e.g. extended portions of the Large Hadron Collider. FLUKA accounts for the most relevant electromagnetic and hadronic interaction mechanisms, providing a self-contained approach to the simulation of coupled hadronic and electromagnetic radiation showers. FLUKA's graphical user interface Flair provides a fully integrated environment to run FLUKA, from the preparation of the input file, to the construction of the geometry, specification of the radiation source, of the quantities to be scored. Furthermore, it controls the execution of the simulation, the processing of output files, and the visualization of simulation results. To showcase the capabilities of Flair and FLUKA, several application examples shall be presented, ranging from neutronics to medical physics.
Short Bio Vasilis Vlachoudis
Dr. Vasilis Vlachoudis has a PhD in Nuclear Physics from Univ. of Bordeaux France. Currently holds a senior staff position as physicist in the Beam Matter Interactions section at CERN. The section is in charge of the FLUKA MC code development and its application to the CERN accelerator complex. Vasilis is leading the FLUKA ( code development and he is the lead author of flair ( graphical interface used for FLUKA and for other MC codes. Furthermore, Vasilis has an active role in the neutron time of flight facility at CERN as responsible for the spallation target physics optimisation and design, as well as the experimental data processing chain.
Massimo Giovannozzi / Participants: 90