Gravitational waves as a probe of early universe phase transitions
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Future space-based gravitational wave detectors like LISA may be able to detect signals from a phase transition at the electroweak scale, a few picoseconds after the Big Bang. By detecting a stochastic gravitational wave background from the early universe, we might even be able to find out some details of the phase transition such as the nucleation rate and transition temperature. This would provide important information about what lies beyond the Standard Model. However, better understanding of the physics of such phase transitions is required, calling for simulations over many length- and timescales. In this talk I will outline our current understanding of gravitational wave production from first-order phase transitions, what is still left to figure out, and the prospects for detecting a stochastic background of gravitational waves with LISA.
The talk slides, including movies, are available from: .
The video of the presentation will be available shortly.