Here is the list prepared by Wolfgang with the FCC-ee elements and the activities related to his group and also involving the Injector:
- Beam transfer and fast switching to/around positron production target (depending on baseline definition)
- Beam transfer from Linac to damping ring (integration of energy compression system tbd)
- Damping ring injection and extraction design and systems
- Damping ring dump system??? (or use of extraction system)
- Beam transfer from damping ring to high energy linac (integration of bunch length compression system tbd)
- Concept for linac dumps
- Beam transfer from high energy linac to full energy booster
- Full energy booster injection and extraction design and systems
- Full energy booster beam dump design and system
- Collider injection design and systems, choice of one or two favored top-up injection schemes (detector background studies)
- Collider beam dump design and system
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