Status of the damping ring, transfer lines, bunch compressors and other components


The objective of the meeting is to prepare a work plan for this WP to be presented at the plenary meeting of the collaboration which will take place two days later, on 28 October at 10am.

Here is the list prepared by Wolfgang with the FCC-ee elements and the activities related to his group and also involving the Injector:
  • Beam transfer and fast switching to/around positron production target (depending on baseline definition)
  • Beam transfer from Linac to damping ring (integration of energy compression system tbd)
  • Damping ring injection and extraction design and systems
  • Damping ring dump system??? (or use of extraction system)
  • Beam transfer from damping ring to high energy linac (integration of bunch length compression system tbd)
  • Concept for linac dumps
  • Beam transfer from high energy linac to full energy booster
  • Full energy booster injection and extraction design and systems
  • Full energy booster beam dump design and system
  • Collider injection design and systems, choice of one or two favored top-up injection schemes (detector background studies)
  • Collider beam dump design and system
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 13:30 13:40
      Short introduction to the new injector layout 10m
      Speaker: Paolo Craievich
    • 13:40 14:00
      Progress on the damping ring and transfer lines 20m
      Speaker: Catia Milardi (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
    • 14:00 14:20
      Impedance studies on the damping ring 20m
      Speaker: Ozgur Etisken (Izmir University of Economics (TR))
    • 14:20 15:00
      Discussion on the task list in the WP4: who does what 40m
      Speakers: Catia Milardi (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT)), Paolo Craievich (PSI), Wolfgang Bartmann (CERN), Yann Dutheil (CERN)