CLICdp + Key4hep Software Discussion

304/1-007 (CERN)



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Andre Sailer (CERN)

Software Meeting Minutes

# 211026: Software Meeting


Present: Benedikt, Andre, Placido, Valentin


## Proceedings/Talks/etc.

* EPS-HEP Proceedings, deadline October 15
* ILCX abstract, October 10, accepted, Talk on Thursday, October 28,
    * (20 + 5) minutes
    * To be presented by Placido
* Lepton-Photon Symposium accepted
* ACAT submitted
* CEPC Workshop: invitation accepted
    * November 10, 8am CET

* ECFA Higgs Factory Generator Topical Meeting November 9/10
* EP RnD Day November 11/12
* SCT Workshop November 15-17

* EP RnD Slides
    * Spack + cvmfs installation of key4hep software
    * MarlinWrapper
    * CLIC Reconstruction
    * FCCSW something from the EPJC paper
    * Integration of CLUE and ACTS

## MC Generators

## CLICDet Delphes Card

## Simulation

* Issue with simulation of muons with fixed pT?
    * observed different duplicate vs phi using different muon simulation runs
    * Maybe different input (not pt, but energy)?
    * Different Theta range, 0-90 degrees before, 0-180 degrees now

## Reconstruction

### Tracking

### Particle Flow

### Digitizer

### Event Display

### FlavourTagging

### Long-Lived Particle

### dE/dX

### LCGeo Test

## Infrastructure

### Sanitizers/Compilers

## iLCDirac


* add key4hep-stack to config  (gaudiapp)
    * k4run executable (modifiable)
    * Test Clic Reco With GaudiWrapper inside iLCDirac
        * InputFiles
            * --EventDataSvc
            * --LcioInput
        * RandomSeed
            * Not fully implemented in vanilla Gaudi
            * Should implement something in Gaudi like the randomseeder in Marlin
        * OutputFile
            * PodioOutput
        * CompactFile
            * -->GeoSvc (to come to k4Sim)
        * NumberOfEvents
            * -n , --ApplicationMgr.EvtMax

* [ ] Next Workflow for FCC
    * [ ] Pythia via Gaudi: need command and steeringfile(s) to use
        * [ ] Check mattermost channel for command and steeringfile
    * [x] Can maybe overwrite settings from Pythia File via the command line options

## Key4hep

### Gaudi

* [ ] Make a service optional/disable in config file: Ticket with Gaudi

### CI

* [ ] CVMFS deploy from gitlab:
    * --> Need to re-open the ticket (Valentin)
    * gitlab-runner  was missing permissions
        * New ticket:
        * IT will fix the gitlab integration on another repo and then replay the steps on sw.hsf{-nightlies}.org

* [ ] Problem with Gaudi v36, moved stack back to v35
    * caused by a bad dd4hep build, which picked up DD4HEP_ROOT during the build
    * [ ] breaking changes in gaudi v36?
    * [ ] Move stack to v36

* [ ] Create a MacOS11 build for podio
    * [ ] Use LCG mac11 nightly builds (or mac1015)
    * [x] Not using podio master in LCG nightly builds?
        * Not using the master, using tag
    * mac11 fuse on github actions is not working
        * [ ] issue with github-actions

### Environment Script

### View

### key4hep-spack/spack

### podio

- [x] update podio in dev3/4

- [ ]  podio RNTuple backend
    - [ ] Write collections, where only the classname is known as a string is working, reading must also work somehow
    - [x] Metadata,
    - [ ] subset collections
    - [ ] etc

### EDM4hep

* When writing EDM4hep collections Clusters and CaloHits, but only writing the
  ECAL hit collection, not the HCAL hits, which might be linked from the cluster,
  things break when reading the file that only contains the Clusters or only some of the HitCollections
  * [ ] Test and Fixes:

* [ ] UserClasses, discuss in podio/edm4hep meeting if direct access to underlying pods is possible or desirable
    * [x]
    * [ ] Needs to be merged so that userfloat etc. functionality in  k4FWCore can be replaced by it

* [ ] Test writing sample event data:
    * Incomplete, e.g., TrackCollection not written

* [ ] TrackerHit"Wrapper"

### k4FWCore

- [x] PR to test getting cellIDs
    - [x] Needs newer podio

### k4MarlinWrapper

* [ ] geoSvc to replace MarlinDD4hep
    * [ ] Need to set the GlobalTrackerReadoutEncodingStringID

* [ ] Adding conversions for all metadata
* [ ] Some exception happening during reconstruction with edm4hep input
    * [ ] add test with edm4hep input

### spack


Opened PRs for a bunch of improvements:
* [ ] fixes to fetching fastjet
* [ ] special "commit" version for nightlies

* Compiling everything with clang(12)
    * Issue with "base" packages, mesa
    * Requires patches for some packages to existing versions

* Updating to latest spack version
* HSF packaging WG presentation by Todd Gamblin spack author

## FCCee Detector Model

* Andrea Ciarma investigating issues with the Simulation job options

## SCT Integration

* Directly adopt key4hep (Gaudi/k4fwcore from hsf spack stack) fo Aurora?

## Documentation Update

* Take a look at Benedikt's changes
    * How does this integrate with ?
    * Is there a HTML version of this to better understand what it looks like?

## AOB

### Next Meeting

November 16(!), 2021, 13:00



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