4 December 2021
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Two-loop Electroweak Corrections to the Top-Quark Contribution to $\epsilon_K$

4 Dec 2021, 10:15


Dr Sandra Kvedaraite (University of Cincinnati)


The parameter $\epsilon_K$ measures $CP$ violation in the neutral kaon
system. It is a sensitive probe of new physics and plays a prominent
role in the global fit of the Cabibbo-Kobabyashi-Maskawa matrix. The
perturbative theory uncertainty is currently dominated by the
top-quark contribution. In this talk I will present the calculation of the full
two-loop electroweak corrections to the top-quark contribution to
$\epsilon_K$, including the resummation of QED-QCD logarithms. I will also
discuss different renormalization prescriptions for the electroweak
input parameters. In the traditional normalization of the weak
Hamiltonian with two powers of the Fermi constant $G_F$, the top-quark
contribution is shifted by $-1\%$.

Primary authors

Joachim Brod (University of Cincinnati) Zach Polonsky (University of Cincinnati) Dr Sandra Kvedaraite (University of Cincinnati)

Presentation materials