4–6 Jul 2022
University of Zurich
Europe/Zurich timezone

A viable $L_e−L_\mu$ model with $\mu\to e$ violation

6 Jul 2022, 14:30
BIN-0-K.02 (University of Zurich)


University of Zurich

Binzmühlestrasse 14 8050 Zürich
Young researcher session Young researcher session


Marco Ardu


We extend the Standard Model gauge group by $U(1)_{L_e-L_\mu}$ and introduce two scalars, a doublet and a singlet, that are charged under this new group and have lepton flavour violating couplings. Since in this model $\mu \to e$ processes can only be mediated by $\mu\to \tau\times \tau\to e$ interactions, bounds from $\mu\to e$ transitions can be avoided while allowing for accessible new physics. We consider a $Z'$ boson with a mass of $M_{Z'}\simeq10~$GeV and a gauge coupling $g'\simeq 10^{-4}$, which is in reach of Belle-II. Neutrino masses and mixing angles can also be accounted for if sterile neutrinos are added to the spectrum.


Fiona Kirk Marco Ardu

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