- Nicolas De Angelis (Universite de Geneve (CH))
SiPMs performance parameters such as dark count rate, the average number of detected photons, cross-talk and after-pulsing, gain and gain fluctuations, are usually extracted from
the pulse-height spectra obtained in the dark or response to low-intensity light illumination.
This method works for non-irradiated SiPMs. The most critical effect of radiation on SiPMs is the increase...
The Mu3e experiment at PSI is designed to search for the CLFV decay $µ^+→e^+e^+e^−$ with a sensitivity of $10^{-16}$. To reduce the combinatorial background from muon decays while efficiently identifying 3-electron final states, a scintillating-tile detector with a required timing resolution < 100 ps and efficiency close to 100% is under development.
The Irradiation damage of SiPMs to be...
Mu3e is a novel experiment under preparation at PSI searching for lepton flavor violation in the neutrinoless $\mu \rightarrow eee$ decay. To suppress accidental backgrounds a scintillating fiber timing detector read out with multi-channel SiPM arrays at both ends has been developed. The SiPM arrays will be exposed to a very high flux of low energy positrons (E ∼ 10 to 50 MeV) from $\mu$...
A single SiPM Hamamatsu S13360-6050PE was irradiated with an isotopic Cf-252 source at the NIST Californium Neutron Irradiation Facility (CNIF) to evaluate damage for the POLAR-2 polarimeter, as a first approach to evaluate the damage produced by atmospheric neutrons in space. The source has a diameter of 7.7 mm and its activity at the time of the irradiation was 1.688 x $10^7$ neutrons per...
The LHCb SciFi (Scintillating fibre) Tracker with an active area of 320~$m^2$ features over 500'000 SiPM channels in a high radiation environment. Unlike other SiPM applications exposed to radiation, the SciFi SiPM is required to provide single photon amplitude resolution throughout the detector lifetime. With a light yield of 18~pe decreasing to 12~pe over the lifetime of the detector, low...