Irradiation & Testing Facilities
- Johannes Hulsman (Universite de Geneve (CH))
Radiation tolerance tests on particle detector components such as SiPMs and their associated electronics are crucial to the success of high-energy physics experiments and scientific missions in space. To this end, an 18 MeV proton beamline is operational at the medical cyclotron of the Bern University Hospital (Inselspital). While the cyclotron’s primary purpose is the production of medical...
Total Ionizing Dose and Displacement Damage Effects on SiPM are standard required characterizations for applications of SiPM in every Nuclear, Space and Medical Instruments. The TIFPA-INFN Center in Trento (Italy) is equipped with two facilities, the Proton Experimental Area and the x-ray Irradiation Laboratory, where these characterizations can be performed with a proton beam and a x-rays...
The Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN) in Krakow has two proton cyclotrons, the AIC-144 60 MeV cyclotron (designed and built at the IFJ PAN), and the IBA Proteus C-235 cyclotron, which produces a proton beam with an energy of 230 MeV mainly for proton radiotherapy.
The proton radiotherapy center (Cyclotron Centre Bronowice) at IFJ PAN is equipped with...
ChipIr is a beamline dedicated to the irradiation of microelectronics with atmospheric-like neutrons; it has been built on the second target station of the ISIS spallation source at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK. The beamline is specifically dedicated to the study of single event effects and its design is therefore optimized to extract a neutron spectrum as similar as possible to the...
Most of the astrophysics experiments use astro particle detectors comprising scintillators coupled large number of photomultipliers (either PMTs or SiPMs) to generate the electrical pulses corresponding to the detected particle. The performance of the detectors is strongly dependent to the parameters of each photodetector and therefore they have to be thoroughly and individually characterized...