Azure Quantum Workshop
Azure Quantum is Microsoft's cloud service for running Quantum Computing circuits in the cloud. This workshop will give an overview on how to leverage this service to run different algorithms.
Please make sure you register for this event. We will share connection details with registered participants.
About the speakers:
Leo Spit: Leo Spit is a senior Digital Advisor for Microsoft. In his daily work he helps organizations in the FSI sector with their digital transformations. New solutions, new business models, new technologies. He started his career with a Master degree in physics and has 25 +years' experience in business consulting, IT and innovation. He is passionate about Quantum computing, both by the inspiring physics as well as the disrupting business applications that will come.
Vincent van Wingerden: Vincent is a Technical Architect at Microsoft, focusing on big data Systems and quantum computing. He is working with customers and partners to see how IT and quantum computing can change their business and bring value.
Mathias Soeken: Mathias Soeken is a senior software engineer in the Azure Quantum team at Microsoft. He is interested in estimating the required resources to run quantum algorithms on future quantum computers, such that we can solve problems that cannot be solved with classical computers. Before joining Microsoft, Mathias did his PhD in computer science at the University of Bremen, Germany, and was a post-doctoral researcher at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. His research interests include quantum computing, logic synthesis, and formal verification.
Guen Prawiroatmodjo: I'm a software engineer at Microsoft Azure Quantum, working on the Quantum Development Kit team. I hold a MSc and PhD in experimental condensed matter physics from Delft University of Technology and Copenhagen University, and previously worked with Spin Qubits and Transmon Qubit systems. So far I've worked on qubit control, Max-Cut QAOA on near-term devices and most recently, using Quantum Intermediate Representation (QIR) for quantum simulation on HPC systems in collaboration with PNNL. I'm co-maintainer of the azure-quantum package, the Python package for submitting circuits to the Azure Quantum service.
Chris Granade (they/them) is a software developer on the Quantum Systems team, focusing on the Q# standard and domain-specific libraries, Python integration for Q#, and most recently, the open systems simulator provided with the Quantum Development Kit. Before joining Microsoft, Chris completed their PhD in quantum computing, and worked as a postdoctorate on the statistical characterization of noise in quantum devices. When not working on quantum software development, Chris can be found on the waters of Puget Sound aboard the Sea Knot.