Tritium Beta Decay is the least model dependent method for measuring the masses of neutrinos. It also provides a probe for Beyond the Standard Model effects such as sterile neutrinos and right-handed currents. This talk will give an overview of the expected standard model result and potential probes for these BSM effects.
Neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay is a hypothetical process of crucial interest due to its sensitivity both to the neutrino mass scale and to lepton-number violation. The precision of searches for the decay is largely constrained by disagreement between different many-body models for their nuclear matrix elements (NMEs), due in part to the large nuclei involved and the presence of...
Although black holes can be the remnants of dead stars, it is also possible that some are primordial. Such primordial black holes are the unique dark matter candidate which is not a new type of particle, and they could also explain some of the unexpected properties of the black hole mergers that LIGO and Virgo have detected. I will summarise the evidence and (fine-tuning) challenges behind...