7–10 Mar 2022
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EOS Windows client productisation

8 Mar 2022, 11:45
31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


Show room on map
15 Minutes EOS Operations EOS 3


Gregor Molan (Comtrade 360's AI Lab)


Context: Productisation of Windows native connection of EOS to Windows operating system.

Objectives: The professional implementation of the EOS with the Windows platform should allow seamless usage of EOS as a Windows local disk with all the EOS benefits, as it is low latency, high throughput, and high reliability.

Method: Implementation of the EOS client for the Windows platform is based on providing four communication channels:
- Communication with data stored on Windows
* Low-level reading and writing of data stored on Windows disks
* Access to Windows Active Directory
- Communication with EOS cluster
* High speed and secure data access on the EOS cluster using cURL.
* Secure access to the EOS server with the use of gRPC.
- Communication with Windows OS
* This is a kind of “meta-communication”.
* The same user experience as it is for using EOS client on Linux.
- Communication with Windows users
* Another “meta-communication”.
* EOS data presented as Windows drive.
Additionally, implementation of EOS client on Windows is based on the “performance aware development” based on continuous performance testing with immediate feedback according to possible performance issues.

Result: Developed high-performance EOS client on Windows appropriate supported with adequate software support and adequate selling business model. The decision of potential customers is supported with professional comparison results between EOS end other concurrent distributed file systems.

Primary author

Gregor Molan (Comtrade 360's AI Lab)

Presentation materials