7–10 Mar 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone
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How to enable EOS for tape

9 Mar 2022, 09:55
31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


Show room on map
20 Minutes CTA 1


Julien Leduc (CERN)


An EOSCTA instance is an EOS instance commonly called a tape buffer configured with a CERN Tape Archive (CTA) back-end.
This EOS instance is entirely bandwidth oriented: it offers an SSD based tape interconnection, it can contain spinning disks if needed and it is optimized for the various tape workflows.
This talk will present how to enable EOS for tape using CTA and the Swiss horology gears in place to maximize tape hardware usage while meeting experiment workflow requirements.

Presentation materials